News & Articles


How to Avoid Pool Related Lawsuits

One of the best ways to beat the heat during the summer in South Carolina is a day spent in the pool. Whether you are enjoying a lazy day with friends and family poolside, or are throwing a pool party, there are certain precautions you should take to prevent injury to guests and possible liability claims. Review the safety measures
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August 23, 2024

5 Common Causes of Medical Malpractice Suits

Whenever you visit your doctor’s office or seek treatment at a hospital for a medical issue, you depend on the physicians, nurses, and other staff to provide quality care to support your recovery. While doctors take an oath “to do no harm,” they and other medical professionals make mistakes like the rest of us. Their errors, however, can sometimes result
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August 23, 2024

Misdemeanor BUI in South Carolina

In the same way that driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substance is illegal, so is the operation of a watercraft in South Carolina waters. A charge of BUI, while classified as a misdemeanor crime, is serious nonetheless and may result in imprisonment as well as fines. BUI Conviction Criteria To be convicted
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August 23, 2024

Dividing Property During a Divorce in South Carolina

One of the most challenging and stressful aspects of divorce is the division of property. Unless both spouses can come to an agreement on their own, it is often up to the court to determine who gets what in a divorce. Courts in South Carolina divide property based on equitable distribution, which rather than creating an automatic 50/50 split of marital assets
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August 23, 2024

How Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help Struggling Workers

Many people give their all at their workplace, and expect the same in return. Injuries are always possible at work, but sometimes a person sustains serious harm on the job. When the incident is severe enough, it can impact a worker’s ability to continue doing their job. Every year, people find themselves unable to work and unable to receive compensation
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August 23, 2024

The Long-Term Benefits of Hiring Divorce Lawyers

Separating from a significant other is often a complicated and emotionally draining endeavor. When a person goes through this situation, it can be hard to think clearly. Divorces can leave a lot of questions about things like child custody, ownership of property, and responsibilities for debts. When a person is going through a divorce, hiring an attorney can make sure
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August 23, 2024

Don’t Navigate SC Personal Injury Laws on Your Own

These days, it’s tough to know if you can trust a person with whom you’ve shared a car accident. Unfortunately, far too many people see a minor fender-bender as an opportunity to cash in. They claim to be okay at the scene of the accident, and then walk away, only to have their insurance company come after you for “personal
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August 23, 2024