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A conviction for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol carries many serious consequences, including costly fines, suspension of driving privileges, and incarceration. A person can be charged for a DUI if police determine that he or she was operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, or if under the legal drinking
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August 23, 2024

Fighting Suspension of Your Driver’s License After a DUI in Florence

If you are arrested in South Carolina for driving under the influence (DUI), there is a possibility that your privilege to drive may be immediately effected and your license suspended the day of the arrest. This occurs if: you refuse the breathalyzer test, or, you submit to testing and score .15% or higher. While it is your right to refuse
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August 23, 2024

What To Do If Pulled Over For A DUI

The holiday season is here and your social schedule is packed. There are plenty of great things to do during the Christmas season in Florence, SC. With so many parties to go to and friends to see, it’s not unusual to have a drink or two. Nobody means to do it, but some of us get in the car and
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August 23, 2024

How A DUI Affects Your Employment In SC

If you’re caught Driving Under the Influence in the state of South Carolina, there are severe ramifications. Aside from the guilt and shame of being caught for a DUI, you could face a range of strict punitive measures including: There’s also a wide range of consequences related to your job, career, and employment. Here we’ll take a look at some
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August 23, 2024